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Transitioning With Dignity

Alright. First off, I hate judging ANYONE, really I do. But I’m a human being, so I do it anyway. That being said, I’m really irritated about certain high-profile people in the TG community who shall remain nameless but who’ve been in the spotlight recently. I don’t want to come across as closed-minded, because I don’t feel that I am…but I am offended. Offended by some girls who think that what they’re doing, either in the adult film industry or as “burlesque” performers (i.e., strippers), is helping the community out. Despite your delusions, girls, having men view you as a sex object for your plastic parts is not doing me any favors, I’ll tell you that right now. Some of these girls even go so far as to insinuate that they’re helping to garner respect for all trans people everywhere through these public appearances. May I ask how? How can you garner respect when you’re devoid of respect for yourself…and when this utter lack of respect becomes painfully apparent through the choices you make in your everyday life, from what venues you decide to attend to what clothes you wear? Still, a lot of these girls are too caught up in the whirl of admiration they get for their “work,” that they really do think they’re, dare I say, positive role models. Many of them do have their own positive attributes, beauty or some less savory skill…but a pretty face alone does not a role model make.

A quote from Candy Darling comes to mind, said to a co-star during one of her first Warhol collaborations, “Why don’t you try developing your brain instead of your bust?” Intellect is the sexiest thing around. And intellect dictates, by virtue of common sense, that if you want to be viewed as a role model, you set a good example…primarily through your interactions with whatever target group you’re hoping to influence…not with rooms full of sex-starved fetishists looking for a good time and a glimpse of your under-bits. It’s not only in poor taste, it’s offensive to me. Personally offensive. I try to keep an open mind about certain people’s circumstances, but, I really feel there’s little justification for engaging in such a lifestyle in today’s day and age. My family wasn’t wealthy by any means, and as far as trans-girls go, I’m pretty damned cute…still I was never tempted to make “easy money” by exploiting that and debasing myself. How can you presume to call such money easily gained when it comes at the price of your very dignity?

Dignity. That’s what it SHOULD be about. Our journey to ourselves is a beautiful thing. We follow our paths, compelled by one of the strongest forms of loyalty a human being is capable of possessing…that undying, unflinching pledge to our very own souls that we will be what we were meant to be. Why cheapen such a beautiful experience? To “get there first” by coming up with money for surgeries? That’s all well and good…but then where are you? Where is it that you ‘got to?’ And what did you truly become? It is true that in many cases, desperation drives us, but ignorance should not. We should always be mindful of what we’re willing to sacrifice and what we’re hoping to gain, ensuring ourselves that one does not outweigh the other and that we can live with such choices after the fact.

Part of what I hope to do, both by studying at school and by going to different government agencies to discuss my past, is to put a very real, very human face on what science has labelled an aberration, under the heading of “transgendered.” I’m someone who’s done a lot of growing up, just like you…or you…or you. And it’s been hard, but I struggled through and did it right. Now, I want to give back to the youngsters by helping those who help them understand better what struggles they go through…and who knows, maybe I’ll eventually go back for my MSW and help these kids directly as a social worker. Either way, I help. Even now and as someone who helps, goddammit, I have a right to be upset…our kids deserve better and so do you girls, yourselves! Respect yourselves…it’s daunting to trudge this path with honor and self-respect, but it certainly is not impossible…and don’t let anyone lead you to believe otherwise.

Angel…a little boy’s inspiration

Just a little blurb I wrote about Shelley Hack on Tumblr, submitted for your perusal my dear WordPress chums ^_^

So…in case anyone was wondering…why all the sudden Charlie’s Angels-related posts? It’s not just because I’m super-psyched about the September boxed set release of the entire series, though believe you me, I AM!! There’s something more. Allow me to explain.

When I was 17 and I began questioning my gender identity and exploring my own inherent femaleness more deeply than I’d ever been allowed to before, I took some time off to just meet myself for the first time. While living this life of leisure, my daily ritual included some Wai Lana Yoga at the crack of dawn. One day, after finishing my yoga session, I flipped through the channels and saw that a Charlie’s Angels re-run was playing on…TNT I think it was, or maybe TV Land. Either way, I’d always been intrigued by the show, having heard from my mother, aunt and grandma how much they enjoyed it during its original run in the seventies. My very first episode was a season 4 Shelley Hack episode, I can’t remember which but I know she wore a stunning wine red jumpsuit which made her jump out at me. It was my first taste of seventies fashion which would eventually come to influence a lot of my own looks.

I just thought she was spectacular…such a model of grace and sophistication. So, I kept watching and became enthralled by the series and later on in life, once Wikipedia had become a “thing,” I read a lot about the Angels, especially my favorite and was surprised to find Shelley Hack was as unpopular as she was. I couldn’t understand why, I thought she was very talented and in my opinion, lovelier than the other two (though of course they were also stunning). Anyway after reading more Charlie’s Angels-related material than I care to admit, I learned that it was all just a very poorly-handled business tactic; Hollywood ever in need of the proverbial scapegoat. Having always been something of an underdog myself…this only made my admiration for Shelley Hack and her character of “Tiffany Welles” that much stronger. She was someone I could identify with and strove to be like. Then I learned about all the fabulous causes Ms. Hack’s been a part of throughout her life, about how she strives to aid war-torn nations by utilizing media as a way to introduce impartial democracy to them, about her part in aiding numerous women’s organizations, and her advocacy of higher education above all. Coupling that with the winning smile, sumptuous seventies fashions she wore in her hey-day, her fondness for the Supremes, apple pies and the fact that she portrayed a transgendered housewife in an episode of Tales From The Crypt…well, if there was ever any doubt in any detractors’ minds…Shelley Hack IS an Angel, in more ways than one.


Hey you guys…no this entry is not about transgenders and perspiration…it’s about transgendered individuals or characters who have inspired me throughout the years during my own personal quest towards womanhood. I realize many of you don’t really have any pertinent role models, that is…other transgendered people in positive places, at least not directly in front of you…which is fine, neither did I. So that’s what the internet is for! ^_^ I did some research and compiled an internal list over the years of the most inspirational, kick-ass trans-sisters and it’s a list that makes me feel like I can see myself through the dark forest that, as trans-folk, we inevitably must walk through several times throughout our lives…so without further ado.

1) Akihiro Miwa.

Japanese transvestite, singer, actor, author, director, composer and generally awesome television personality. Miwa was the muse of author/film director Yukio Mishima and starred in his 1968 camp-tacular film, “Black Lizard,” among others, which you can see here and which was my first introduction to this elegant talent. Also recommended: any of the numerous YouTube videos in which Miwa’s superb, velvet-smooth vocal stylings can be heard.

2) April Ashley.

British trans-supermodel and the first to be publicly outed as such by the tabloids. Her story is a poignant one and her beauty and grace, timeless. Proof that a positive outlook, class and perseverance can see you through whatever storms life throws at you. Learn more about her by reading her book! New, it’s kinda expensive, but used it’s quite reasonable and a book you won’t want to put down.

3) Harisu.

A Korean popstar, actress and happily-married wife. Harisu’s dazzling persona is only matched by her keen talent for comedic and dramatic acting. From her eclectic and ultra-glam fashion sense to the example she shows us all with her amazing career and marriage that continues to thrive against all the odds originally stacked against her, Harisu is a true trans-piration!

4) Dana International.

Israeli pop singer who won the Eurovision singing contest back in 1998 with her song, “Diva.” Her bubbly, yet formidably direct aura shine through in music videos for some of her songs such as “Love Boy,” and “Seret Hodi.” Even without any knowledge of the Hebrew language, one can appreciate the artistry of Dana International and the stellar skills she continues to bring to the forefront of the Israeli music industry.

5) Li Jing.

Taiwanese television personality involved in variety shows, shopping shows, advertisements and the like. Regrettably, I don’t know much about her, but I love her fashion sense and how gracefully she seemed to handle her exposure in the media. The uplifting optimism that surrounds her on-screen should be an example for all of us to emulate in our day-to-day lives.

6) Isabella.

Yes, she is a cartoon character. And no, I don’t care. Isabella from the “Paradise Kiss” series was a caring, maternal part of the cast with a deep understanding (perhaps deeper than any other character, actually) and appreciation of love and all its permutations. If only we could all integrate such depth of insight about our experiences, we’d all be better off. Her signature style was charming, old-fashioned, yet all her own reminding us to retain our individuality even through our constant attempts to pass in society (for those of us who do make that a priority ^_^). Portrayed by Shunji Igarashi in the live-action film.

7) Birdo.

Yes, Birdo from Super Mario. Primarily because Birdo is a positive portrayal of a trans-character in the gaming world which tends to not usually mention such subjects. So thanks Birdo for opening some doors that weren’t open before…or busting them down with a projectile-vomited egg.

So that does it, I hope you all enjoyed my little list and start supporting/continue to support the public figures I listed and the creators/project developers that took the time to create trans characters and imbue them with personalities and their own unique stories. Do you have a personal trans-identified role model/idol? If so, who and why? Comment! ^_^